Debugging PHP in Vim

2 Dec 2013

For a long time now vim has been my editor of choice. Configured well, and used in conjunction with some other unixy tools it makes for a great IDE. However, for far too long I have debugged my PHP applications using a combination of echo statements, var dumps and writing to log files. This madness has to stop!

Enter Vdebug. Vdebug is an awesome plug-in for vim that acts as a client for debuggers supporting the DBGP protocol. Xdebug for PHP, is one such debugger.


Installation is a simple process following the standard work flow for installing a vim plug-in. I use Vundle to make this process simpler to manage. Simply add:

Bundle "joonty/vdebug"

to your ~/.vimrc file (or wherever you maintain your plug-ins), then execute:

vim +BundleInstall +qall

from your terminal.

Vdebug is now installed.

Configure Xdebug

I'm not going to go into the installation process for Xdebug as it differs somewhat from distro to distro. I'm currently setting this all up on OSX, so installing Xdebug was as simple as brew install php5-xdebug.

There are all sorts of different options which can effect the configuration of Xdebug. I have:


within my /usr/local/etc/php/5.5/conf.d/ext-xdebug.ini file. Note that xdebug.profiler_enable=1 configures the profiler to remain on always. I use Vdebug that often now that it is just easier to do so. You can however configure the Xdebug's profiler to switch on and off based on different flags passed in via the querystring, or even via a cookie. See the Xdebug docs for details.

Basic Usage

First, an example using the default config that ships with Vdebug. I'm using a stock standard Symfony2 app running in the dev environment to demonstrate. With app/console --env=dev server:run running in the backgorund, open web/app_dev.php within vim and hit <F5>. Now visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser. Coming back to vim you should see something like:

We have ended up at the first line of the router_dev.php file within the main DebuggerSource window. On the right hand side there are various other windows:

By default Vdebug will simply go to the first line of your program and halt. This is why we ended up within the router_dev.php file. This doesn't seem that intuitive to me so I have configured Vdebug to execute up to my first breakpoint. Click <F6> (twice) to detach from the debugger and add the following to your ~/.vimrc file.


Now we need to actually set a break point. Moving the cursor down to the $response = $kernel->handle($request); line of the app_dev.php I hit inserting a breakpoint. You should now see something like:

Note the B> in the gutter next to the line you were on when you clicked ? This lets you know where your breakpoints were added. Now, clicking (to start the debugger) and hitting http://localhost:8000 again in your browser should execute your application up to that breakpoint:

Vdebug has all the options you would expect from a debugger.

Then there are <F7> and <F6> which essentially kill the debugger. I ended up reconfiguring most of the key bindings to something that made more sense to me:

" Vdebug
let g:vdebug_keymap = {
\    "run" : "<Leader>/",
\    "run_to_cursor" : "<Down>",
\    "step_over" : "<Up>",
\    "step_into" : "<Left>",
\    "step_out" : "<Right>",
\    "close" : "q",
\    "detach" : "x",
\    "set_breakpoint" : "<Leader>p",
\    "eval_visual" : "<Leader>e"

let g:vdebug_options = {
\    "break_on_open" : 0,

Once you have some breakpoint set and are navigating through the execution of your program, the DebuggerWatch window is probably one of the more significant aspects of Vdebug. In here you can easily inspect its values, clicking on any array or object also opens it for further inspection.

There also exists options for executing expressions, either manually via :VdebugEval $x + 2 or by visually highlighting the expression you wish to evaluate and then hitting <Leader>e.

Anyway, thats it for a high level overview. Install and have a play with it yourself to get a better feel for what it can do. It really will change your workflow and improve your ability to track down issues.

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